
Showing posts from November, 2021

October 2021

October was interesting.  I was able to get the last 3 Nebra units installed, bringing my fleet size to 16.  Had to add in some shipping costs, a drive to New Hampshire and a drive to Nashville.  Also had to buy an antenna for the Belmont location which is still underperforming despite it's location.  Spent more time digging in to antennas to figure out what kinds there are and what would be most useful to me.  It's seems like the attitude is the bigger the better and to mount it to the roof.  But if my host is in an apartment and doesn't want some awkwardly huge bar sitting in their window, what are some more discreet options?  I'll be ordering some with this month's earnings to try and tune up the reach of the hotspots in their various locations.   A few announcements of cities starting to adopt the helium network and use it to their advantage came out, bolstering confidence in the token a bit, which was nice.  I think Oklahoma City and San Jose stuck out because