
Showing posts from February, 2022

Ready Player One Minute

Since it seems like my Helium business is building on itself, I've started a few other DeFi projects in the background to better understand the financial system of the Metaverse, but decided to tackle a project I've been thinking about for about half a year now, the Ready Player One Minute Podcast.   I don't want to jump straight into it, so I've decided to put together a Facebook group while I sort through the movie and book, in an attempt to identify all the Easter Eggs and references in the movie.  I actually started the process of pulling the movie apart, minute by minute, in November of 2021, but after a few months, realized the project was way bigger than I realized.  I'm doing this partly because I want to build another leg for my business, partly because I just love Ready Player One, partly because I love the 70s, 80s and 90s, partly because I grew up partially overseas and missed out on a lot of stuff in pop culture and this is a great excuse to go back and